International School
& Preschool

The future is here and belongs to you.
Every dreamer is important for the universe
Welcome to the official website of
International School & Preschool!
I believe that as your are browsing our website, you will gain the perception of how through combining place, people and principles, we create for our students a unique environment.
Betty Stollen
Story & mission
Our school was founded in 1871. First, there was an institution for boys,
sons of high-ranking immigrants. Since 1930 this is a private school for
gifted kids from all over the world. Our mission is to create enabling
environment to identify everyone's potential in tuition, get acquainted
with different types of practices.
Why we are innovate
Our school developed a new approach to help children to start their education in a special atmosphere and develop their special abilities
Small groups in classes
Our school has a small classes orientation. There are
7–10 pupils in a class. So all processes are near to private
formatof education.
Dayle Sport Trainings
All our pupils learn several foreign languages. And most
classes of a program are curated by native speakers from
differen countries.
Healthy and Fresh Food
A school has a main base education system and provides a set of subjects to each student for separate learning. These classes are held in the extra time
Love and Hugs
If you understand that some additional class is unsuitable,
you can try some another to understand your

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the World.

Summer camp
Every summer there is an opportunity for every student to go to
Summerset camp in Belgium for free

Boarding school
Our school offers services of boarding school or half-boarding

Additional Program
This program is a set of out-of-class activities, which are not included in main programm.

Main program
All types of classes include base programs and specific directions in accordance with a desire of each pupil and his abilities.
2 162 of our graduates are in prestige colleges and Academies
7–10 pupils in a group. This system is near to private lessons
More than 2000 candidates every year
Directors, mentors and teachers
All our teachers are high-qualified and native speakers professionals. All of them develop their own programs
for Additional programs.

Max Holden
Spanish native speaker

Melisa Watson
English native speaker

Joe John
English native speaker

Antonia Watson
German native speaker
The amazing hubble
"Education is simply the soul of society as it passes from one generation to
the next."
- G. K. Chesterton
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Accordion content
Sofia, Bulgaria
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